Chicken Soup for the Soul Books

“Chicken Soup for the Soul” is a large American publisher, extremely wellknown on the other side of the Atlantic. They regularly publish books of true life short articles/stories, generally designed to be uplifting and positive. I have now had five articles/stories published in their books.

“The Miracle of Love” has an account of how David and I first got together. “The Magic of Cats” has two stories of mine about two of my cats. “In “Age is Just a Number” I wrote again about how David and I first met, but from a different angle. And “Be You” has the story of how I became a helicopter instructor.

The publisher pays quite well for these stories, but also sends me a large number of free books. Consequently I now have far too many of these books! So I am selling them at a very reduced cost – £5 each plus postage. They’re good bedtime reading, make good presents, and if you are considering writing for them yourselves, give you a good idea of what is required. If you’d like to buy any, email me – details on the “Contact Me” page – for details and cost.